The 2017 FRC game was entitled Steamworks. The alliances work to fill ‘boiler’ goals with wiffle ball ‘fuels’ and give their alliance’s pilot gears for their airship.
The first 15 seconds of the game are known as the ‘autonomous period’. During this time the robots move around the field without driver input. In autonomous robots can gain points by passing the baseline, which earns 5 points, shooting fuel into the high boiler, which give 1 point per fuel, shooting fuel into the low boiler, which gives 1 point per 3 fuels, and giving gears to the airship.

In the driver controlled section, ‘Teleop’, the teams continue to load fuels, now which give 1 point per 3 fuels and 1 point for 9 fuels in the high and low goals respectively. The teams also continue to load gears. On the airships there are 4 rotors with gears missing. Each rotor that gets its gears and is turned by the pilots gives 40 points. Near the end of the match the robots climb up ropes on the airships. Each robot climbed earns 50 points.The Alliance with the most points at the end wins!