Power Up! was the 2018 FRC Challenge. The field is set up with switches on both sides of the field, a scale in the middle, and a vault behind both driver stations. At the start of the match the lights on the sides of the switches and scale are randomized with different orders of red and blue, the two alliance colors.
The first 15 seconds of the game are called autonomous, and the robots work without driver controls. During this period, the alliances get points by weighing down their side of the scale and their switch with ‘power cube’ milk crates, which is ‘gaining ownership’. The alliance earns 2 points for gaining ownership, and 2 more every second that they own it. They will also get points for crossing the auto line. If all 3 robots cross the line and gain ownership of their switch they will gain a ranking point.

After autonomous ends, the remainder of the game is called Teleop. During this period the drivers get to control the robot. The teams get 1 point for gaining ownership of their switch, or ownership of the scale, and 1 point per second that they own it. The robots can also deliver cubes to their allacnce’s vault, which earns 5 points ber cube placed, which gives the alliance access to a ‘power up’, which are called force, boost, and levitate. Force gives ownership of the switch, scale or both, depending on the number of cubes added to the vault before activating. Boost gives extra points for ownership of the switch, scale or both, depending on the number of cubes in the corresponding column of the vault. Levitate gives the alliance a free climb at the end of the game, and requires all three cubes. At the last 30 seconds, end game starts. At that time the robots climb on the rung on the top of the scale to earn more points, and even a rainking point. The alliance with the most points at the end wins the match.