
This weekend marked the beginning of our build season! The Girls of Steel attended kickoff at Central Catholic High School, right across the street from CMU.  Over 30 girls attended kickoff, and got to watch the game reveal live on the big screen.   This year’s game is Aerial Assist, a soccer-volleyball crossover with a 25 inch ball.  We attended breakout sessions and began brainstorming that morning. We decided to split up into 9 groups, and each made our own strategy.  Here is an exciting fact about the kickoff broadcast: The Girls of Steel uniform was featured at 3:15 of…continue reading →

Final Week of Preseason!

Today we split up into our three mechanical groups, electronics, programming, and mechanical. The electronics girls were hard at work learning about sensors and signals of the robots. Electronics team members had the opportunity to take the level four test. The programming girls had a long discussion about coding, particularly about drive code.  In mechanical training, the girls split into two groups. One group worked on the mill to create a piece from scratch using a diagram. The other group used the lathe to create another piece.  The welding girls began to practice the basics…continue reading →

Preseason Week 10

Hello everyone! Girls of Steel were plenty busy this week! Starting with our usual Tuesday meeting, we had a half hour team meeting where we discussed our team values, fundraising, and outreach opportunities. Following this we split into our technical sub-teams (programming, welding, mechanical, and electronics). We were all busy during our three hour technical meetings. The all sub-teams were working hard on the last level of technical training. Thursday, Girls of Steel met up again for our monthly Mechanitor's day! We sorted bolts, screws, and scrap metals. We cleaned the shop from…continue reading →

Preseason Week 9

Hey all! After having a snow day last week, the team was hard at work making up for lost time, after all there are only 31 days left until kickoff! This week everyone worked on the business side of the team: outreach, finance, and media. The outreach team had a guest speaker, Dr. Kim Hyatt, who spoke about presentation skills. Dr. Hyatt showed the outreach team a sample presentation while she spoke about improving the team’s presentations. She even offered to review one of the team’s presentations. Thank you Dr. Hyatt! The media…continue reading →