Week Zero Event

The Girls of Steel Week Zero event was a success! There were about 8 teams, and everyone got their robot up and running.  There weren't any official matches, but many teams practiced driving and shooting. Although no robots climbed the pyramid, there were some that had the potential to do so. As for Eve, the feeder was mounted, and some code was tested. We managed shoot and score some frisbees, and we drove around the field. We would like to give a shout out to the teams that participated in the Pittsburgh Region Harlem Shake! Overall,…continue reading →

February 14th Meeting

With only five days left, it’s a race against the clock for the Girls of Steel! The robot is almost done and the girls are rushing around to do their part! After a series of try outs and tests, the drive team was assigned their roles. Programmers are reviewing their code so they can test as soon as the robot is done to get Eve working! The electronics board is on the robot and ready to be turned on. The shooter is mounted in place and the wheel for it is being adjusted.…continue reading →

February 5 Meeting

We have made so much progress! Especially within the past week, girls have been working harder than ever! I guess it makes sense, there's only TWELVE days left in build season! The robot is coming along great; if we keep working at this rate, the mechanical aspect of the robot will be done in no time! Parts are being made for the shooter and climber and welded together, and the chassis has already been completely welded together! Some welded bars on the chsssis had to be moved for the climber, which was a…continue reading →

February 2 Meeting

Where has build season gone?!? We only have two weeks left to finish up our robot! Girls are working nonstop to get this done, and it looks to be coming along quite well! The chassis base is welded together, thanks to our awesome welding team! The camera can track and recognize the goal, and now camera team is working on getting it to tell the size of the goal from different points. Electronics seems to disappear in the E-lab for hours at a time, but certainly for good reason! "Electronics started to setup…continue reading →

January 29 Meeting

All the girls are working hard and hurrying to get as much as they can done! Times running short and we need to finish our awesome robot! Some of the girls are even helping out other feature teams so we can get the robot-building moving faster! There's still some cad left to do, so that has to get finished asap! The parts are coming along well, as is the coding and electronics. The camera feature team was testing the old camera with the shiny new reflective tape, which seems to stand out more.…continue reading →

January 28th Meeting

Although the cad seems to be running a little behind, there is a flurry of girls rushing about to cut and put together different parts! Each subteam is working hard to integrate the different parts of the robot and make one excellent working design. It's looking good! The camera feature team is finding out what each of the other feature teams need the camera to do, so they can make an overall outline. A new game goal with reflective tape on it for accuracy has been mounted and is going to be used…continue reading →

January 24 Meeting

Today's meeting was very productive! Thursdays are when the girls on the drive team work on their drive team stuff while the normal meeting is going on. The girls on the drive team are working on a practice six wheel chassis so they can be well rounded in each part of the team: electronics, mechanical, and even some programming. They pretty much built the whole robot themselves, which includes the chassis, an electronics board, and even the prototype shooter that was already built.  They're hoping to get it running soon so they can…continue reading →

January 22 Meeting

At the beginning of the meeting on Tuesday, January 22, each of the team leaders talked about what their group completed within the past week and what needs to be done. The parts are coming along well, and there are a lot of small changes being made to make everything worked out as planned. An issue that was brought to the girls’ attention at the beginning of the meeting is that the shooter may be a problem or may need to be altered to fit on our robot.  In the end, we decided…continue reading →