Our shooter <3 Posted on March 12, 2013 /Under 3504, First robotics, FRC Robotics, girls of steel, News, omgrobots, Robots Our shooter
Our robot’s name is Eve! That picture, however, is… Posted on January 16, 2013 /Under 3504, Eve, First robotics, girls of steel, name, News, Robots Our robot’s name is Eve! That picture, however, is misleading since EVE = Extremely Vicious Exterminator Perhaps this one is better
superjezmeralda: Cyber Candy’s Christmas robots. Posted on January 5, 2013 /Under News, Robots, This is absolutely relevant to robotics superjezmeralda: Cyber Candy’s Christmas robots.
ianbrooks: Hand-Cut Curiosity Sculpture by Arnold Martin /… Posted on December 7, 2012 /Under NASA, News, Robots, Rover ianbrooks: Hand-Cut Curiosity Sculpture by Arnold Martin / Absurd Realities The saddest realization I ever had in life was that I’ll never be able to have my very own Curiosity Rover to ride and take on walks and talk about science stuff with. A...