Ultimate Ascent was the 2013 FRC Challenge. The game is played on a 27′ x 54′ field with two opposing alliances, a red and a blue. Each alliance consists of three robots who compete to score points in a 2 minute and 15 second match.
Robots attempt to score by getting frisbees into 4 main goals–1 low goal (1 point), 2 medium goals (2 points), and 1 high goals (3 points). An additional goal is located at the top of a pyramid (shown on the right) and is worth 5 points for each frisbee that goes in. Alliances can only receive these points if the frisbee that is scored is the color of the alliance (i.e. red or blue).
The first 15 seconds of the game are designated as the “autonomous period.” During this time, robots are allowed to shoot into the goals to receive double the points (2, 4, & 6 points). During this period, the robot must operate on it’s own, without any drivers touching the controls. The next 2 minutes are the “teleop period,” during which the drivers may touch the robot’s controls and manually drive it around.
The last few seconds of the match are used to complete another challenge–climbing up one of the pyramids on either side of the field. In order to get points for accomplishing this feat, the robot must not be touching the ground, and has to be fully inside one of three zones (between ground-1st bar, 1st bar-2nd bar, and 2nd bar-3rd bar). This end game can bring in an extra 10, 20, or 30 points per robot if it is in zone 1, 2, or 3 respectively.