The third part of our Girls of Steel Principles segment features integrity, a quality that ties in perfectly with many of the other elements we have already talked about. Integrity essentially is doing what you say you will do. This is extremely important on a robotics team, where tasks are often divided up and individually assigned.
Integrity ties in perfectly with teamwork. Without it, teamwork really can’t work! A key idea in teamwork is people collaborating to create a final product. Integrity ensures that each person is giving her fullest and working her hardest. Also, integrity is exemplified with great communication. Sometimes things can get lost in translation or can be forgotten, and in those instances, it is difficult to own up to your tasks. That’s why communication is necessary to integrity.
A way we exhibit integrity on our team is through task lists. These show exactly who is working on what, so it is easier to contact the appropriate person. It becomes simple to communicate developments and involve more people this way!
Additionally, our team structure allows everyone to stay connected and accountable for their tasks. Though we are divided by subteam, every member of the team is aware of the developments on the robot (through meetings, Slack, and in-person).
Integrity is a pillar of a productive robotics team. Implement this in your team, and you are sure to have a more inventive season. Good luck this competition season!