2015-2016 Preseason Meeting #11 plus

Our final week of preseason started on December 15th and was packed with excitement! The start of our 2015/2016 season has flown by. The Tuesday meeting began with our last preseason all hands meeting!  Sarris candies were also delivered on the 15th.

All hands slides are available here.  The video update about the meeting is available here.

This week we also played another triad game. The junior members then split off from the rest of the team to work on their FTC robot, Dori. Check out this American Girl video featuring the junior members as well as their robot (link). The high school members had one last short business meeting then moved on to technical where they worked on their robots for the end of preseason project competition. With the competition rapidly approaching, Tuesday was full of work.  Our programmers spent most of Tuesday trying their best to get camera code up and running, the electronics girls worked hard to finish electronics boards, and our mechanical and design teams worked together to finish the chassis and manipulator. It was one last exciting Tuesday preseason meeting!

FTC update


Robot build

On Thursday of this week we had a mechanitor day, mostly cleaning up and organizing the machine shop tools, etc.  Mechanitor is a mix of the words mechanical and janitor. We host these days to make sure we are keeping our workspace clean and help out around the shop. Chuck, our awesome machine shop mentor, really appreciates it when we help out.

Friday this week we held another build meeting for the final push on the team FBI and team Squirtle robots for the competition on Saturday, December 19th, with FRC 3260, SHARP, and FRC 117, Steel Dragons.  Saturday, December 19th was also the day for our team’s tour of the WWII exhibit at the Heinz History Center which was followed by the Holiday Party.

robot team 2

robot team 1