2015-2016 Preseason Meeting #9

Tuesday, December 1st, we met and held our weekly preseason meeting- #9.  First, we went over the basics, such as, the 5 components of GoS principles: integrity, teamwork, safety, communication, and respect.  Our hybrid animal of inspiration this week is the pengwolf…a mix of a penguin and a wolf.  This is our animal model of the week because both penguins and wolves move and live in groups–emphasizing the importance of teamwork in GoS.  During the meeting, we talked about many important topics.  Mentioned, was the price of the Rosie t-shirts ($15) which are available today, as well as the American Eagle team plaid flannels.  It is important that anyone who has not signed up for STIMS on the FIRST website (www.firstinspires.org), does so soon.  FIRST tells who is truly on the team, which is why it is very important that everyone registers!  Another important topic discussed in the beginning meeting was the need for service hours to be turned in in order to help out the Awards team.  The new Sarris candy orders ended today!  Light bulbs, however, are still available for sale.  Both EOPP (end of preseason project) teams – FBI and Squirtle – seemed to have finished building their chassis frames, and are continuing on the road to finishing their robots!  December 19th is the End of Preseason holiday party and competition – we hope to have everyone there!!



Junior members are getting ready for their scrimmage which is coming up on Saturday, December 12th.

