2017-2018 FRC Team Structure Update
The team structure of the Girls of Steel Robotics FRC team plays a vital role in the efficiency of reaching our goals. The goals this season area:
- Reach 5,000+ people through direct contact.
- Every girl becomes confident in championing an outreach event.
- Consistently maximize autonomous points scored throughout the season.
- Every girl sets and makes progress toward a team-related year-long goal.
During the 11 weeks of preseason this year, instead of doing a technical “End of Preseason Project”, we are focusing more of our time and efforts into our business sub teams for the first 6 weeks. We are doing this so we don’t have to multitask as much during build season, thus avoiding having to do business and technical at the same time. Our business sub teams include: Finance, Media, and Awards. This season we decided our Outreach sub team includes the entire team all year, so we no longer hold weekly outreach sub team meetings involving a small number of girls, because every girl does outreach events. New girls on the team must attend 5 events and returning girls must attend 10.
The finance team is working on finding different platforms for the Girls of Steel to fundraise; every year there are Sarris Candy sales or Pittsburgh Popcorn sales that the girls can use to raise money from selling. They also focus mainly on the business plan, which is important when presenting to judges during the competition and submitting grant proposals. One of their sub team goals is to have the business plan done by the end of preseason, long before build season begins. Another goal is to have all the fundraisers organized by the end of preseason.
The media team’s primary goal is bring awareness to people about Girls of Steel, to spread our message and brand. They manage the social media accounts to update everyone about what Girls of Steel is doing. Their goal is to publicize the mission of Girls of Steel – “empowering women and girls in the pursuit of STEM by exemplifying female success in robotics” and to promote ways we combat the leaky STEM pipeline.
The awards team is new this year. This team works on writing the presentations that will be presented to the judges during the competitions. Their goal is to be prepared to represent the team well at the competitions.
During the final 5 weeks of preseason only experienced girls (2 to 4 years on the team) will do business tasks, while new girls (0 to 1 year on the team) will have technical training to get ready for build season.
This year we will have a different leadership for each “season” – preseason, build season, competition season, and summer. Currently we only have a preseason leadership council composed of a business project manager, technical project manager, and outreach, awards , media, and finance leaders.The individual technical sub team leaders will be selected before build season begins. The new structure of the team will hopefully facilitate more ideas from more people and allow us to accomplish more things. Check out the website page on team structure, too.
Our preseason leaders: