Bag & Tag/Week Zero
We can’t believe that build season is over! The robot is bagged and tagged, after an exciting weekend of Week Zero with teams 2656, 3260, 3955, 4031, and 4150!! At Week Zero, we gave the other teams in Pittsburgh a chance to compete and test out their robot! We held matches as well as just had fun with everyone driving our robot around and stacking totes.
On Tuesday, we spent seven hours putting the final touches and last testing before bagging our robot. We made a switch to 6″ mecanum wheels instead of 8″ which seemed to drive better for us! After we had mounted the doors, shack, fingers and collectors on our competition robot, programmers perfected the lifting command which brings in a nearby tote, and lifts it above the fingers with one touch of a button! After some delicious cookies and sandwiches (thanks to the great parents!) we took off the parts that we are withholding. We decided to keep back the collector, shack and doors for drivers to practice and programmers to test. We’re enjoying these 2 weeks off (well, except for dedicated programmers and the drive team) to get ready for our first competition: the Pittsburgh regional! We hope to see everyone there!