Build Season Week 3

We can’t believe we’re halfway through build season!! This week, we made lots of progress on our chassis and manipulator mechanisms. Our U-chassis has been completely welded and is in the process of assembly. Our trifold, the ‘walls’ between which the stacks of totes and containers will be built, is in the process of fabrication as well. Our collector, gripper (previously called ‘wedges’) and shack mechanisms have all been CADed completely! The gripper will begin (and hopefully finish!) assembly tomorrow, Tuesday. The electronics boards are very close to being finished, also. Programming finished all the initial coding, and began testing the mecanum practice chassis with drive team. They also began testing ultrasonic sensors, which will likely be used in our autonomous, and the camera, which we are experimenting with this year. Our practice field is coming along great as well! Thanks to our wonderful mentors and volunteer parents that have spent many hours designing the layout, cutting wood and painting signs, drive team is able to spend hours there practicing driving the robot.