Build Season Week 5
Week 5 was one of our most successful weeks so far! We have made lots of progress and are excited to share it with you! First of all, our robot now has a name – Ada – in honor of the first female programmer! 🙂 Ada’s electronics and pneumatics are completely done, as well as her assembly of the top and bottom trifold and the fingers. Her Shack, Collectors and Lifters are closed to being assembled onto her chassis, and the Doors are being welded as well. Programmers have done a lot of work coding, code reviewing, coding and reviewing again! On Tuesday, they tested the collector Talons.
In terms of sensors, we are using two cameras for a live feed for the drivers, an ultrasonic for autonomous, and possibly two limit switches! Chassis B (our second robot) is currently fully welded with the bottom trifold and the motors and gearboxes are mounted. More exciting new- our practice field is DONE! See a picture of it below! We will be hosting an event called Week Zero where we invite other FRC teams in the Pittsburgh area to compete this Saturday, Valentine’s Day! We are excited to see what kinds of robots have been built this season!