End of Week 1
Girls of Steel has had meetings Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Monday this week and we have gotten so much done in that time span. We have welded our chassis together, finished our system diagrams, and designed our major components. The design however is still a work in progress. We have begun to prototype; so far we have worked on our kicker, our collector, and have started experimenting with different bumper configurations. Our programmers have been pseudo-coding the robot and have begun to work on the actual code. They have also been developing simple test programs for the hardware. Check out our Facebook to see videos of two prototypes!
Also this week,Girls of Steel FLL team 6105, Foxes Fury, was invited to the FLL regional championships on February 22nd.
Don’t miss out on the Girls of Steel radio interview on the Saturday Light Brigade at 88.3 fm at 10:00am-10:20am on January 18th!