Moving Chassis!


This week we managed to accomplish the impossible – sticking to the schedule!  Our goal was to have a moving chassis by the end of Saturday, and we accomplished just that. All week each sub-team was hard at work mounting motors, putting on the wheels, adding chain, wiring and mounting electronics, and debugging – to name a few things. The wheels caused the team the most grief this week as mechanical team had to take off the wheels and chain due to unforeseen problems.

On another front, the CAD for our robot is almost completed and is looking really awesome! Also, we compiled a list of test plans to evaluate our priorities list and a block systems diagram. This Tuesday we had a special guest, Katie Correll. Katie is a grad student at CMU who will be appearing on TBS’s “King of the Nerds.” For more information about Katie and “King of the Nerds” follow this link:

A big thank you goes out to Katie for visiting our team this week!

Overall, the design and assembly of our robot is coming along nicely and we are looking forward to the next 28 days of build season! Have a shiny week everyone!

