February 14th Meeting
With only five days left, it’s a race against the clock for the Girls of Steel! The robot is almost done and the girls are rushing around to do their part! After a series of try outs and tests, the drive team was assigned their roles. Programmers are reviewing their code so they can test as soon as the robot is done to get Eve working! The electronics board is on the robot and ready to be turned on. The shooter is mounted in place and the wheel for it is being adjusted. Climber claws are on the robot, but the chains and hooks still need to be finished. The pneumatics are being put in place and hooked up. Everyone is helping wherever they are needed and we are trying to get our robot finished by 11:00 Saturday morning! The Girls of Steel are holding a Week Zero event at their practice field for teams all around the region and are eager to compete! Let’s build a robot!