February 2 Meeting
Where has build season gone?!? We only have two weeks left to finish up our robot! Girls are working nonstop to get this done, and it looks to be coming along quite well!
The chassis base is welded together, thanks to our awesome welding team! The camera can track and recognize the goal, and now camera team is working on getting it to tell the size of the goal from different points.
Electronics seems to disappear in the E-lab for hours at a time, but certainly for good reason!
“Electronics started to setup the electronics board, and we figured out the space we have to put everything.” Gigi, one of the electronics girls, tells me.
Each of the different feature teams are working to get their parts done, and they’ll all be put together, making one awesome robot!
A fun outreach event will be happening over spring break! Its a good opportunity to get the outreach requirements needed! Girls, get in touch with Serena if you would like to do that!
Korryn is working on a Stop Action video for our AFRON project, and that’s open to any girl who wants to help! She’s also looking for any ideas for what it will be, so if you think of any let her know!
If anyone is low on work points or has some extra time, you can get points from home! There are plenty of work points to be earned from bussiness assignments. And you can keep track of the points you earn by checking the google spreadsheet!
The lightbulb fundraiser is progressing, but many more still need to be sold! If you want a fancy long-lasting light bulb, get in contact with any Girls of Steel member!
The practice field is looking great and is extremely useful! It’s a great place to test code, practice driving and shooting, throw as the human player, and pretty much everything else! The best part is that any team in the Pittsburgh area can come and use it for any of their robotics needs.
Girls, make sure to come as much as you can, we want as much help as possible! With only two weeks of build season left, there’s tons of work to do!