February 5 Meeting
We have made so much progress! Especially within the past week, girls have been working harder than ever! I guess it makes sense, there’s only TWELVE days left in build season! The robot is coming along great; if we keep working at this rate, the mechanical aspect of the robot will be done in no time!
Parts are being made for the shooter and climber and welded together, and the chassis has already been completely welded together!
Some welded bars on the chsssis had to be moved for the climber, which was a pain for the welders, but they managed to get it done.
The climber team has just about finished working out all of the kinks of the design. They wrote a complete list of all the things they need to do so that they can finish fabricating and assembling the robot. The plan is to have all of the climber structural supports welded on Thursday and then do the rest from there! Raina and Abby are working on writing a script for the stop action movie they are going to make.
Remember the three things Rachel said: come to the meetings, focus, and don’t stress out! Good luck finishing up build season!