Today we split up into our three mechanical groups, electronics, programming, and mechanical. The electronics girls were hard at work learning about sensors and signals of the robots. Electronics team members had the opportunity to take the level four test. The programming girls had a long discussion about coding, particularly about drive code.  In mechanical training, the girls split into two groups. One group worked on the mill to create a piece from scratch using a diagram. The other group used the lathe to create another piece.  The welding girls began to practice the basics of welding such as how to tack and bead.

This weekend is the Barnes and Nobles gift-wrapping outreach event! A few girls will represent the Girls of Steel at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore at the Waterfront from 10 am to 2 pm, Saturday, December 21st. Saturday, December 21st  is also a make-up meeting from 10 am – 1 pm.

Finally, thank you to our sponsors, Westinghouse and Bombardier. In addition, we won a National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) mini-grant to use towards a summer camp with Girls of Steel and students in the STEM Girlz program of the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh.  All of these grants will help the team tremendously! Thank you!
