FIRST Ladies Game Night!
On Friday, December 4, 2020, the FIRST Ladies subteam hosted a Game Night! There were 26 attendees from 7 different FIRST teams, including FRC 78, 117, 2177, 3504, 3654, 4467 and FTC 9821. Aeryn A. and Samhita G., the co-directors of FIRST Ladies, ran the event. For the past three years we have hosted a Movie Night, but this year we changed it up and tried virtual Game Night!
They kicked the night off with an introduction to FIRST Ladies and a Women in STEM Kahoot. Then, everyone split up into four breakout groups to play Jackbox games, Codenames, or Sketchful. The winners of each game will receive prizes soon! Overall, everyone in attendance had a great time.
Maisie, from team 2177, said, “Game Night was super fun and a great way to get together when we can’t be together in person! I loved playing Jackbox games with other women in STEM, and I hope I can participate if there’s another one!”, and Grace, from team 3654, said, “It was a fun and creative way to get to know other people in FIRST!”
Samhita and Aeryn believe the event was a success. They would like to host another game night in the future, but for now, other FIRST teams are planning game nights as well. Check out the “Virtual Game Night How To” document for tips. Stay tuned to FIRST Ladies social media for announcements!
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