FIRST Ladies Women in STEM panel
On March 26, 2020 Girls of Steel hosted a FIRST Ladies event: a Women in STEM Panel Webinar on Zoom. We originally wanted to hold this event in person at the Greater Pittsburgh Regional, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic the event was postponed. We decided that we still wanted to hold the event, so we invited the panelists and guests to join us online.
People pre-registered and submitted their questions. Participants ranged from elementary students to adults from about 20 different FLL, FTC, and FRC teams. On the day of the webinar, our 4 panelists joined us and answered the viewers’ questions. We were excited to see that there were about 40 people watching and participating in the webinar. Our speakers included Aubrey Kalashian, a graduate student at CMU, Brianna Watt, an information technologist at Aurora Innovation, Elizabeth Amato, a software engineer at Google, and Dr. Zeynep Temel, an assistant professor at the Robotics Institute at CMU. You can find the recorded webinar here and our speaker bios are available here.
Contact us at FIRST Ladies at ladiesinfirst@gmail.com or Girls of Steel at girlsofsteelrobotics@gmail.com.