photo 2 (7)On Tuesday September 16, we had another successful beta-testing meeting! Last week FIRST released Update Suite 5.0 and we tried reflashing the roboRIO with the new re-imaging system. Unfortunately, after the re-imaging, we found that we could no longer download code to the roboRIO. For now, we have decided to tackle this problem by downgrading back to Update Suite 4.0. Hopefully we will have more updates on this front next week!  The second task completed this week was taking apart Eve, our 2013 robot. Eve was stripped of bolts, electronics, and any other removable parts. We then began sawing off portions of the welded frame.

This week, we also played around with the robot simulator on our Ubuntu laptop and we got to see what cool features it has to offer. Right from Eclipse, we are able to choose an option to run our robot code in the simulator. When the sim opens, it has a model of our robot, and we can test out our code by plugging in a joystick! The virtual field is very nifty, and we are able to manipulate it in many different ways, as well as change the way that our robot looks in the simulator. Next week, we are excited to test the sim out with our robot code from last year!

Stay tuned for the latest updates!

-Sylvie and Sonia