Girls of Steel InvenTeams Update #7
Our team buzzed with productivity this May!
We made an informational video about the BuzzBand for EurekaFest! Check it out on YouTube: https://youtu.be/QN9uyTPHiTg
Also check out this clip of Aditi testing the BuzzBand (click on the photo).
The BuzzBand app is currently in development with a super-alpha version built for Android that can turn an Artemis LED light on and off. By next month we hope to have built and tested on at least one platform (Android/Apple). We also wrote a condensed version of our code for the BuzzBand. The previous issues with vibration and speaker timing were corrected and our code compiles and works! Next, we will work on Bluetooth communication.
And of course our hardware team worked hard all month too! Our plan was to make a separate electronics board for each component of the band, test them, and then combine all the components on our final prototype. We currently have our battery, lights, and vibration board built and undergoing the testing process. Our sound board and final prototype are almost done as well. In addition, we have two electronic casing prototypes and a new case design in the works. The sleeves for our prototype are in progress with two new pockets and inner compartments. We’re very excited to bring our completed BuzzBand prototypes to EurekaFest!
On May 24th, Kelly Henderson from Chatham University gave a talk about sustainability – “Sustainability 101.” We learned about the Sustainable Development Goals, business models of sustainable brands, and examples of sustainable, wearable tech. It was eye-opening and has us thinking about ways to incorporate sustainability in the BuzzBand.
Speaking of EurekaFest, it’s coming up next month! As we prepare our final prototypes, presentations, and posters to share with an audience, we hope everyone joins us in our fundraising efforts by donating to the link below. Contributions received from fundraising will help our team travel from Pittsburgh to Boston!