On Tuesday the 11th, three Girls of Steel members went to Hershey for the Pennsylvania Education Technology Expo & Conference (PETE&C). There we presented in the student expo during the morning. We brought Eve (our robot from last year) and showed her off to the crowd. After answering a billion of questions and demonstrating the robot’s driving (shooting frisbees wasn’t safe) the girls got the opportunity to go to the booths and talk with real tech companies. Many people repeatedly told us about how impressed they were with our team and there were so many photos. It was an excellent experience that was rewarding and definitely helped spread the word about Girls of Steel.
During the trip I had a lot of fun. The environment was great to be in and it was really interesting to see the different things that people have come up with. I loved showing the robot to all the kids and adults because they looked really amazed that we did it.
– Sydney
I really enjoyed the PETE&C event! It was awesome to see all the businesses that have made a living out of something I am so passionate about. What made the event that much better was seeing the innovative ideas of students from preschool all the way to high school.
– Grace