Post-Season FRC Scrimmage

Hi everyone!

Scrimmage groupThis past Saturday, April 11th,  we, along with another FRC team, SHARP, held the annual Post Season FRC Scrimmage at the CMU/Girls of Steel Robotics Practice Field. We had seven different teams come out to watch their robot go up against other FRC teams robots. The overarching theme for this event was “fun”. The point of this scrimmage was not to see who had the best robot, but it was rather an opportunity to hang out and get to know the other teams around the area. This scrimmage had events such as who could throw the “trash” the farthest as well as a mentor drive where the mentors worked as the drivers to drive and operate the robot. Fun, right? It get’s even better! Our drive team opened up the driving positions to every girl on the team. Each girl could sign up to drive the robot, operate it, work as the coach, or be the human player. This was a great opportunity for our girls who are not on the drive team to test it out and see how they like it. At the end of the day, certificates were handed out to winners. Overall, this Post Season Scrimmage was a huge success. Thank you to all the teams that came out and made it such a FUN day as well as the parents and mentors who helped out!