On Tuesday, October 28th we had out fifth preseason meeting! For the first hour we split up into our business sub teams and worked on specific tasks as well as event pages to document all the things we have done each year! Our technical level training meetings today consisted of Welding, CADing, Mechanical, Electronics and Programming, as usual. Today the welding team got hands-on and worked on some metal scraps.P1020251

The programming team introduced robot-builder in eclipse to all the new girls. We also thanked all the girls who showed up to the team-bonding Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday!

The spaghetti dinner was held at our practice field and was a successful potluck! The girls had lots of fun driving last season’s robot, Atlas. The new teammates and junior members were able to get to know the team, and returning members were able to bond and catch up after the summer! Some of the highlights of the dinner included “Getting acquainted with new parents and students, and visiting with the returning ones.” -A Girl of Steel.

Overall this was a great event to hold early in preseason and we hope to hold more team bonding events to get all the girls        to know each other well!SpaghettiDinner

Here is a picture of the girls posing Rosie style on the   field!