On Tuesday, November 4th we had our 6th preseason meeting!  We started off our meeting with “triad talent time.”  This fun-filled 15 minutes included talent acts such as dancing and singing.  Following our triad time, we went into our business sub-teams.  In media, we worked on event pages and blog posting.   Outreach also worked on event pages, and additionally looked for potential events for Girls of Steel to attend.


Finance worked on putting together the instruction sheets for the light bulb fundraiser that we are preparing for.  In addition, the finance sub team was working on their presentation for the Steel City Robotics Alliance (SCRA) Workshops on Sunday, November 23rd.  You can register here.

After the business sub teams met, the girls divided into their technical sub teams: programming, electrical, and mechanical.  During this time the girls continued to learn about their specific sub-team in their level training.  The programming sub team practiced with new software in order to become more familiarized with it.

The electrical sub team continued to wire a test board, with their focus on the signal cables.  P1020547They also discussed how the “brain” of the robot “talks” to the rest of the robot.  Mechanical spent their technical time laser cutting sprockets, working with parts in the machine shop, and analyzing George’s drawings for mechanics.



An additional element of this week’s Girls of Steel meeting involved collecting food to donate to CMU’s 21st Annual Food Drive.  Girls of Steel is happy that we can make our contribution to this cause!  A big thank-you to all the girls who donated to the food drive!

-Girls of Steel