STEAMWORKS Build Season Week 2

The second week of build season is over and a lot was completed during the four meetings that took place this week. It started off with our first meeting on Monday, where we got straight to work. The electronics team finished running the tubing for the temp e-board, and the mechanical girls worked on bumpers. In programming, the girls finished some of the autonomous programs, and the design girls determined what mechanism to use, assembled the first chassis, and laid out where they want different mechanisms on the chassis.

programmer electronics blog post

The next meeting of the week was on Tuesday, at which we started off with the All-Hands Slideshow. We went over the agenda for the day, and we heard firsthand about how the FTC girls ranked 5th at their recent qualifying competition and ended up as captains of the 4 alliance. Then we reviewed team goals – we have reached forty percent of our outreach goal, and we are working toward our second goal of programming for maximizing autonomous points. We got an update from the FTC girls about what they liked about their first competition, and then talked about GoS attending the FIRST National Advocacy Conference in Washington, DC in June. We had a quick FRC building update, talked about safety and core principles with George, took a team photo with girls wearing their new plaid, and then went off to work on the robot. Electronics took all of the electronics components off an old robot, organized all of the components, and started building the real electronics board. The mechanical girls finished working on bumpers and started on the gear boxes. Programming girls tested the drive code on the chassis. Design team prepared the climber CAD to start building, started the shooter CAD, made gear mechanism CAD, and added lower e board on chassis.  The FTC girls disassembled their practice field during the last part of the meeting.

FTC All hands blog

team photo blog post 2nd week

FTC Blog post 2

The next meeting on Thursday, was also a very efficient day, Electronics girls organized and prepared for the real electronics board, and the mechanical team worked on the chassis and also finished the gearboxes. The programming girls started to get into more advanced autonomous and vision. The design people built gear boxes in CAD, decided on design changes for climber, worked on the CAD assembly for shooter, finished rough assembly for gear box, and prototyped the gear mechanism.

blog post 3

gear boxes blog post

The last meeting, which is the longest meeting of the week, was on Saturday. On Saturday, the electronics team continued preparing the electronics board, and mechanical completed the gearboxes and chassis. Programming worked on finishing up Tele-Op drive code and got the test chassis working. The design girls worked on finalizing numbers, improving the gear mechanism by changing design, moving forward on shooter, and prototyping and CADing the climber, and a few girls worked on customizing one of our new carts.  Overall week two went very well and the girls worked hard; four more build season weeks left!

cart building blog post