STEAMWORKS Build Season Week 4

Week four was very efficient and a lot of progress was made by the Girls of Steel. Monday started the week off well; all the girls worked very hard. Programming worked on vision alignment and implementation, continued motion planning implementation, and tested the manipulator code. The mechanical team prototyped the fuel shooter, finished the gear ramp assembly, made chassis modifications–two standoffs were moved.

1617 GoS Build Season #4 - Sarah

Electronics girls mounted the real e-board, worked on the practice chassis, connected tubing and encoders to drive motors, attached cameras to mounting piece, added talons to test e-board, and organized practice e-board. Design team worked on the climber and finished water jet drawings, finished gear mechanism, and worked on the  shooter’s bottom plate.

1617 GoS Build Season #4 - Group meetings

On Tuesday, we had the all hands meeting and then all of the girls continued working hard on their tasks.  At the all hands meeting we discussed our team goals and the progress being made, as well as the outreach reminders for upcoming events. We also voted on the names for the competition and practice robots and  talked about the opportunity for girls to attend the FIRST National Advocacy Conference in Washington DC in June. Then George showed us all of the amazing Dean’s List applications and announced the two people that were picked: Congratulations, Anne Kailin and Helen!!

On Wednesday, the drive team had another meeting, at which they discussed strategies and roles for each member.

1617 GoS Build Season #4 - e board

1617 GoS Build Season #4 - Drill

On Thursday, programming girls worked on vision-continued implementation and testing, motion planning, and lights-tested with mindsensors code. Mechanical girls made the second rail for gear ramp, drilled holes for rails, cut down the bottom plate for gear ramp, attached rails, attached gear ramp, and prototyped a single wheel shooter. The electronics team mounted the first e-board onto the practice chassis, connected tubing, connected drive motor power and finished the can wire soldering job. Design girls worked on gear ramp, moved front plate to inside side and fixed shooter length dimensions. And lastly, on Saturday, the programming team worked on vision and getting the GRIP values working on the Galileo, motion platooning, and drive cameras. Mechanical girls took apart bumpers and re-drilled, finished attaching side rails on gear ramp, drilled holes on chassis, and prototyped a different shooter. Electronics finished the final encoder connection, drilled and mounted the e-board, started taking apart the temp e-board, and put the battery together. Then design team worked on the climber water jet components, and ratchet new design, the gear mechanism, and shooter placement. It was another great week!  Two weeks to go – good job, everyone!

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