WOW Competition
On May 27, 2017, we competed at the WOW Championship off-season event Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. Off Season Events are competitions run by teams outside the FRC Competitions Season. It was smaller, shorter (1 day opposed to 3), cheaper, and a bit more informal than the other official regional competitions that we participated in this season. “WOW” stands for West Virginia, Ohio, and Western Pennsylvania. 32 teams were invited based on how well they did in regionals that they had competed in. Since we ranked 31st based on our performance at the Pittsburgh and Buckeye regionals, we were invited to compete.
Ten of our girls attended. Both the team and the robot did well and everyone had fun. We played in five qualification matches, where we got the record of 2 wins and 3 losses. The #8 alliance chose us as their second pick. That meant that in quarterfinals, we competed against the #1 alliance.
We barely lost the first match. We then won the second match, with all four rotors spinning and all three robots climbing. When it came down to the tie-breaker, we again had all rotors spinning and all robots climbing. However, so did the #1 alliance. We unfortunately lost due to foul points that were awarded to the other alliance due to contact by one of our partners inside of the loading zone. We were all sad that we couldn’t make it past quarterfinals because that’s where we always seem to get stuck. However, we couldn’t be too disappointed because we went out on two of the best matches that we played this season!
Join us at the Pittsburgh off-season event coming up on August 5, 2017. It’s called the Steel City Showdown at Carnegie Mellon University. More information can be found on the Steel City Showdown website here: https://www.scrashowdown.com/.