Our team is lead by a Leadership Council (LC), a group of students in charge of sub-teams, which are described below. Our LC meets weekly to discuss what the needs of each sub team and the team as a whole are, what are goals are for the upcoming week and beyond, and any other topics we feel are important. Our Leadership Council communicates with the rest of the team, and as part of this communication all girls are invited to the LC meetings.
Business Project Manager
This manager oversees the expansion of the Outreach, Finance, Awards, and Media portions of the team. She manages the different Business Team leaders to ensure that they are on task and on schedule. She also works together with the Technical Project Manager and keeps a constant flow of communication between the two main branches of the team, sharing the responsibility of sending out emails, updates, making weekly power points, and leading the weekly leadership council meetings.
Business Project Manager: Ashley W.
Business Teams
The awards team is in charge of everything having to do with preparing, writing, presenting, and submitting for various FRC awards.
Student Leader: Katherine H.
Media Division
The media team is in charge of everything having to do with our team’s image, branding, and publicity, from our website and social networking to taking pictures, videos, and corresponding with other FIRST teams through video logs and rookie tips. They create and coordinate a strong team presence and show off our awesome Girls of Steel spirit.
Student Leaders
Media Division Lead: Tara S.
Image: Maddy N..
Visual: Nina C.
The finance team is responsible for pulling together and keeping track of team funds. Together, they keep a strong communication between the team and our sponsors while ensuring our team runs smoothly financially. They also create the team’s budget for the upcoming year and write the business plan for judges at competitions.
Student Leader: Grace G.
Outreach Division
The outreach team, the entire team, is responsible for participating in and creating ways to represent our team in our community, region, and globe to make an impact on the world with robotics. Sharing our mission, Girls of Steel empowers everyone, especially women and girls, to believe they are capable of success in STEM, directly with as many people as possible is crucial to the ideals of the whole team. The leaders communicate to the team about the various outreach events that we’ve been invited to or the events we hold on a regular basis such at FLL Challenge and FLL Explore. meetings, and practice field scrimmages, etc. The Student Support Director helps out with our 8th/9th grade FTC Teams to make sure that there is effective communication between FTC and FRC girls as well as arranges for mentoring by Girls of Steel FRC students at FTC events, along with helping all girls connect through the Big and Little Sister activities. The FLL subteam is running again this year after a successful 2021-2022! The co-leads plan and organize each FLL meeting and recruit a group of mentors for our 4 FLL teams.
Outreach Division Leader: Aria N.
Subteam Leads
Student Support Director: Mia M.
FLL Subteam: Elise C. and Mahika S.
FIRST Ladies: Amanda H. and Hannah Y.
DEI: Diya C.
Advocacy: Natalie F.
The Advocacy Subteam works to expand the reach of Girls of Steel and FIRST on a local and a national level. By connecting with elected officials and local leaders, as well as educating the team on advocacy and political action, we plan to spread the mission of GoS and make tangible change in our community.
DEI stands for Diversity Equity Inclusion. Our goal is to create an environment where voices of different backgrounds are equally represented and respected. This year we plan on working with underrepresented communities to increase STEM awareness, as well as using our suggestion box for members, mentors, and/or parents to share their ideas, comments, and suggestions easily. Additionally, we are planning on holding multiple team bonding events and creating big/little sister pairs to improve the inclusion of all team members.
FIRST Ladies
FIRST Ladies is a community for anyone involved in FIRST robotics programs who support girls and women in STEM. This group was created to promote inclusion and provide a place for girls on teams around the world to make connections – ask questions, make friends, find support, and discover new opportunities. Girls of Steel became the FIRST Ladies Directors in the summer of 2019. We hope to spread our reach to different parts of the world through FIRST Ladies!
Technical Project Manager
This lead is responsible for keeping the off-season and pre-season robot training on schedule as well as the robot construction during build season. She makes sure members know which tasks need to be done at the Thursday technical meetings that all the technical sub-teams and feature teams are working together efficiently and using their time wisely in order to complete the robot within the six week build season for a successful competition. She also shares the responsibility of sending out emails, updates, making weekly power points, and leading the weekly leadership council meetings.
Technical Project Manager: Samhita G.
Technical Teams
The Mechanical team involves anything mechanical and hands-on. This sub team focuses on various things concerning the machine shop, from cutting metal to welding the chassis together. This is an essential part of the team because they are the ones that use the CAD drawings of the basic design of the robot, and build and sometimes weld together the frame of the robot. During the 2020 build season, the mechanical team worked hard with the design team to integrate all the components of the manipulators with the chassis. Our tech in-person meetings started on October 19th! We are excited to be doing hands-on work again!
Leader: Ciara A.
The Electronics sub team is responsible for the design of the electronics board and the wiring of the robot. They are efficient in deciding how the wires will run on the robot and making sure that they are positioned in the most accessible places. These girls also make and crimp their own wires, install encoders, manage pneumatics, design the electronics board, and many other crucial things.
Student Leader: Kameron L.
The Programming sub team focuses on coding all of the different components of the robot. Working hard constantly on coding during the build season, they also make sure that the team understands the code and how it enables the robot to operate. For the 2020 season, this technical team programmed the robots, Europa and Callisto and they are looking forward to working on the 2022 robot.
Student Lead: Ashley W.
Design Team
The Design sub team works on all aspects of robot design and prototyping. This includes CAD training during the preseason, build, and competition season. The design team commits to attending extra meetings for training during the preseason. Our Design team is divided into two sections: Chassis & Manipulator with two different leaders. The chassis part works on the main structure of the robot while the manipulators focus on competing in certain aspects of the game like an arm or addition.
Student Leader: Rishika S.
Would like to know if you help mentor any boys teams or if highschool boys with prior FLL experience are included in your teams?
Yes, we help mentor other teams and boys with FLL experience are welcome to apply to join the Girls of Steel FLL teams. Our FLL teams are at least 50% girls.
Write to us at girlsofsteelrobotics@gmail.com if you have other questions.
Thank you!
-Girls of Steel