As you probably already know, the FIRST community is incredibly saddened by the suspension of the FRC season. Girls of Steel has cancelled all its meetings for the foreseeable future and has transitioned to having online meetings as needed. Sometimes our team principles extend beyond just robotics; for example, with new circumstances, teamwork is still necessary as we support each other emotionally and keep our spirits up. Right now, the most important thing we all can do is practice safe habits to ensure everyone’s well-being.
- Wash your hands regularly, for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
- Cough and sneeze into your elbow.
- Disinfect regularly touched surfaces, like doorknobs and faucets.
- Practice social distancing and limit in-person interaction.
- Stay home as directed.
On a separate note, let’s discuss FRC safety protocol!
- In preseason, make sure all your team members are properly shop trained by an adult mentor.
- Use safety glasses whenever necessary.
- Tie up long hair and remove dangling jewelry.
- Make sure you know how to use all equipment before you attempt to, or seek out a mentor for help.
- Make sure you are focused and not distracted when operating machinery.
- Know your points of contact in case of emergency (number to call, first aid, etc.)
We hope you all practice safe habits and stay healthy during this difficult time. Support each other, we’ll all get through this together!